Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Sample

Critical Thinking Essay Sample Critical Thinking Essay Sample What it means to be human in ancient Israel: Israelites are a group of people in the Middle East who believe that they are all descendants of Jacob. The Israelites are perhaps the only people with a well recorded history dating back to 6000BC; their history is well written in religious books such as the Quran and the bible. In the olden days being an Israelite was a hard thing as you had to live according to the standards set by the leaders and the God that was never seen, most people suffered as there was no democracy. The Israelites were ruled by kings who had super special powers and no one was authorized to question their judgment. To them, the kings were a level lower than God and therefore deserved to be respected. The people of Israel were monotheists, meaning they worshiped only one God but sometimes they ended up worshiping the gods and goddesses of the surrounding people. According to their religious beliefs, it was clearly stated that one should worship only God despite that some went against the rule. However, there were serious consequences attributed to that. For instance, anyone found worshiping another god was stoned to death outside the city and in the case where the whole group was found to worship other gods it resulted in mass punishments that would sometimes lead to death. The Israelite community constituted of twelve tribes. Among these tribes was the Leviticus where the entire priests were chosen from. The Levites only become priest and they were not required to do any duties other than their temple work. Furthermore, they had no land and therefore depended on the other tribes for food who had to give out one tenth of their produce to the Levites. This can be seen as some form of exploitation of the people of Israel as others had to work and use their hard work to feed the people who had been chosen by god. Despite this, they highly believed that it was the right thing to do before God. In Israel, most people were farmers and lived in small villages while a small number lived in towns. However, the towns were much smaller and underdeveloped than the modern day towns. Markets were always held in the gateways of the towns. The life of most Israelites however revolved around worshiping and most of the time they were either doing service to god or praying to god for forgiveness. The Israelites had rules that were supposed to guide them throughout their life; these rules were known as the commandments. These had to be followed strictly failure to which they would be punished severely. Moses one of the early Israelites, was given these rules by god while on top of Mount Sinai, alone meaning no one was there to witness him being given the rules. This means that the people had to live and abide by the rules that they did not have a chance to even vote for and make a decision yet no one was supposed to go against them failure to which lead to death. This can be seen as some form of dictatorship as only one person was to be heard and if anyone went against him it automatically led to death. Death penalties were common in Israel (the bible, exodus) and many crimes resulted in death, especially crimes that were related to religion. This is ironical as the same person (God) who created the people could be so mercy less and set rules that took away the life that he made. This can be seen as rules that were set by selfish leaders so as to make the people not to question their performances and believe that they had been chosen by god and so everything they did was right. Leadership was highly respected in ancient Israel and no one was supposed to go against the leaders and anyone found to go against the leaders was persecuted by stoning. Yet these leaders were not chosen or elected by the people the leaders were chosen by God and they had to be from some families. Sex before marriage was an abomination and any person found having sex without getting married would be killed. To some point this rule was good but the punishment was too harsh for the crime, homosexuality would also lead to a death penalty this was wrong because it led to death yet life was supposed to be respected. The common man had no excuse for sinning and if he was found to have sinned it would result in heavy punishment. On the other hand leaders could sin and get away with it take an example of David who killed a man for his wife but because he was loved by God he was forgiven, if he had been a common man then he would have been killed without questioning(Harmer 89). Gender inequality was common and women were looked down upon, they held no positions in the political posts and had to do whatever the men said the woman had to respect the man and had to get married and have children a woman who had no children was considered cursed even if the husband was the cause of the problem. Prostitution was not allowed and any woman found was killed yet the man was not killed. This is very unfair to women as all of them had sinned and not the woman alone so why kill the woman alone and not all of them. War was common in ancient Israel and the local people did not decide when to go to war. This was a decision that was made by the leaders as they were the once to decide when to go to war and when not to go to war. Soldier’s war picked from every family who had to give a son to defend the people, even though this is not wrong it is still wrong considering the fact that during war people would die. However the soldiers had to go to war and incase of death there was no compensations that was made to the family. In conclusion it is evident that the people of Israel suffered a lot and this was mainly because of their leaders who were believed to be God chosen yet they were just ordinary people. Life was unfair for the common man and they had to live in fear of death as most simple crimes would lead to death by stoning, and no one was allowed to question those in authority as they were believed to be chosen by God. If you are looking for professional essay writing services to get your critical thinking essay written by certified academic writers contact www.!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing Routine How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster

Writing Routine How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster Writing Routine: How to Develop a Foolproof Writing Habit to Write Faster Writing routines arent easy to come byin fact, its one of the hardest parts of writing a book.Thats right. Its not coming up with a great book idea, its not forming the right words to bring that idea to lifeIts finishing the damn book.And that means forming a writing habit that will help you get it done despite your busy life and schedule. Thats why weve enlisted the help from Julie-Anne England, an author and busy mom of 4.For many years I dreamed of being an author. I love to write and there was something about the sound of â€Å"author† that made me desperately want to call myself that.I pictured my brand new life; holding my very own book in my hand, getting emails from people about how my book changed their life and my world opening up as a professional once I saw my name in print.Well, all this came true and more after I published my first book.This is how a writing habit through developing a writing routine helps you finish your book:Learn from those whove done it befor eCreate a time logPrioritize your time for a writing habitDecide your daily writing timePut your writing routine time in your plannerFind accountabilityStart your writing habit!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereCreating a Writing Habit is SimpleI’m here to tell you that it all comes down to creating a habit to make the time to actually write. You can daydream about your name in lights, write pages of goals and tasks and even design your perfect book cover but until you actually write†¦. you have nothing.If I can form a writing routine while also managing all of this..being the wife of a very busy (and very gorgeous) American man who works long hours, including weekends and evenings,mom of three children under the age of 8 who are with me. All.The.Time. (Yes I say that fondly mostly)homeschooling my childrenrunning 2, soon to be 3 blogs training for a marathonbringing my kids to swimming lessonsrunning bible study once a monthall the fun stuff that comes with running a home- cooking, cleaning, shopping so can you. Trust me, I understand busy!I say all this to say, it isn’t an excuse for never becoming an author. It all depends on how badly you want it.And I bet you want it, right? How much? The truth is, it isn’t as hard as you think.How to Build a Writing Routine and Stick to itHere are my best tips for creating the habit of writing. These tips will have your very first book in your hands in a few months time (if you stick to them).#1 Learn from those whove done it beforeOne thing that revolutionized my thoughts around time management was a book I read called 168 Hours: You have more time than you think by Laura Vanderkam.This book went into depth about how much time we actually spend doing daily tasks such as working, sleeping and watching TV by analyzing people’s day using a time log.One ke y takeaway is that people often underestimated how much they slept by a few hours and overestimated how much time they spent working. When it came to writing my very first book, I realized that I needed to be very intentional with my time and how I was using it.#2 Create a time logAfter reading 168 Hours, I took a hard look at how I could utilize what Id learned from Laura Vanderkam.I followed suit and created a time log of what I was doing for a couple of weeks and I realized something crucial. I really did need a better handle on what I was doing with my time. Maybe you do too.Start by jotting down what you are doing every day for a week in 15 minutes segments. Be honest. No one has to see this except you.Then start looking for areas where you could create more time for creating the life you want, ie. as a writer!We often spend a lot more time than we think on mundane tasks like this:Scrolling through our phone in the morningGetting ready for the day (shower, brushing teeth, etc. )Making/eating mealsWorking through meaningless/non-priority tasksTalking to others in person, on the phone, or onlineWatching TV(or worse) Looking for a show to watchThese are everyday occurrences that youre probably spending far too much time on than you think. Keeping a log will help you pinpoint where you can speed up or cut out unnecessary tasks to make more time for writing.#3 Prioritize your timeTake a look at your life and work out any free time that you could dedicate to writing.Yeah sure, you are really busy, but I bet that you wouldn’t miss much if you cut out that second TV show you watch every night. Or maybe spent a little less time on social media.Your time log will probably make it very clear which areas you could adjust.I honestly struggled to find time in my day to write. Even if there was a point that my kids were playing happily in the playroom, it was never a good writing time because with kids you get interrupted. Constantly.Even with removing time spent on social media and watching less TV, it still didn’t allow for uninterrupted writing time. So I had to be more creative.One great way to cut down on time spend on your phone, at least, is to use an app or software like Freedom.As seen in the example above, this app can help you solidify a writing routine by actually blocking your access to certain apps or websites in order to prevent you from going to them out of a bad habit.#4 Decide on your perfect daily writing timeThis may be as little as half an hour, but it needs to be every day (or at least 6 days a week).This is because creating a writing habit is so important in becoming a writer. Habits are things that almost happen on autopilot and that is exactly what you want. Cultivating a lifestyle and a habit of writing will make the writing go so much smoother than if you write here and there when you can fit it in.Here are a few things to think about when choosing your writing time:Will you be interrupted?Are there too ma ny distractions happening during that time?Can you be in a quiet, secluded space?Will you be in the right mindset to write during that time?I usually had a couple of hours at night once the kids were in bed but I found that I was too tired by this time and my writing wasn’t very good.I had to get super disciplined, so I chose to get up earlier to have uninterrupted time to write before the kids got up.You aren’t a morning person? Yeah, me either but sometimes you have to do the hard things to see the best things come into your life. Right now, its just after 5am and the house is peaceful and quiet. This is now my sacred productivity time.#5 Put your writing time into your daily plannerNo excuses! Use an alarm if you have to and make sure you will not get interrupted. Turn your phone on airplane mode and switch off your email pop-ups.Or use the Freedom app like I mentioned earlier.Then show up. Every time. If you don’t make this a priority, I can guarantee somet hing else will take the spot. And you will find yourself a year down the track still without your bookIf youre someone who works by an online calendar, even better! You can schedule your writing time daily and it will pop up on your computer or phone to help remind you to get some writing done like in this example:#6 Find accountabilityThe novel writing journey can be hard and lonely and there are many times where you may feel like giving up. This is when it is so important to have an accountability person ready to support you.Your accountability buddy will be aware of your goals and will keep you on track to accomplishing your daily and weekly tasks.This is what you can expect from an accountability buddy:They know and understand your goalsThey want to see you succeedThey arent afraid to be real with you and tell you when you need to get it togetherThey will encourage you in ways that work for youThey will meet with you regularly to check-in and help solve problemsChoose someone w ho you know will be supportive in your journey and who will push you when necessary. Even better if you can have someone who has written and even published a book themselves.When I was writing my first book, my accountability buddy was amazing.She checked up on me regularly to find out if I had accomplished what I said I would and encouraged me to keep going. She pushed me when I didn’t feel like sticking to my plan. Don’t skip this step, it is so important! Add it to your to-do-list for today â€Å"Get accountability buddy†!And if youre not sure where to find an accountability partner, Self-Publishing School has a Mastermind Community filled with writers in the very same stage as you in addition to experts to help you along the way, as you can see from the example above.#7 Start writing!When I first started getting up at 5am, I dreaded it. Like I said, I’m not (or actually wasn’t) a morning person.Now I actually get excited about having a couple of hours of time all to myself. This is when I work on my goals and become the person I want to be.Now it’s a habit and in less than 6 months I have written a book, gone through editing and formatting, launched, watched my book take #1 spot on Amazon in the self-help category AND am busy with book number two!Your dream life really isn’t as far away as your think. When you make the decision to take control and you turn up day in and day out, that’s when the miracles will occur.Don’t waste your life with excuses no matter how valid they might be.Being an author is one of the best things I ever did (and I’ve been to Disneyland!). It showed me that I could do something I set my mind to. It taught me that I could overcome obstacles.It ingrained the importance of creating a new habit and sticking to it. And now I have a legacy to leave my children.You can do it too! You have something powerful and exciting inside you that needs to get on paper. Share you r story with the world. And when you take this first step, you will never look back!Are you ready to start your writing routine TODAY?Dont wait another day! The key to starting a writing habit is starting now and committing to not only yourself but to those who your book will help and guide.Check out this free training for how to write a book and outline your book TODAY!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CONSERVING THE BUILT CULTURAL HERITAGE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CONSERVING THE BUILT CULTURAL HERITAGE - Essay Example During the Second World War nearly four million British homes, many in poor condition to begin with, were destroyed or damaged; afterwards there was a major boom in council (estate) house construction about city areas. Prior to the war many social housing projects were built. However the bomb damage meant that much greater progress had to be made with slum clearance projects. In cities like London, Coventry and Kingstone upon Hull, where bombing had been particularly damaging, the housing estate schemes, as can be seen today, were quite extensive and the architecture at time considered modern, some radically. Residential housing estate designs are the usual form used in what are termed new towns, designed after World War II as autonomous suburbs centered around small commercial centres, designed to minimise traffic flows and provide recreational space in the form of parks and greens. They were a direct result of Abercombie’s 1944 housing plan and ultimately of the 1949 New Town Act. The first built was New Bracknell (see fig. 1), incorporating â€Å"a traditional high street with eight pubs, a cattle market, shops, a cinema and a garage† (Building the Twenty-First..., no date, Chapter 3:3). Conceived in response to the growing number of slums in city, Bracknell quickly became the poster child of the UK’s struggle to keep pace with housing needs of the working class. Since then housing estates have not only proliferated but have expanded in scope toward the countryside in more upscale formats. Many, along with the city project, critics charge do not maintain the cultural and architectural heritage of the nation. It is the city projects that normally draw the most criticism for becoming ramshackled hotbeds of crime and drugs among their working class inhabitants—â€Å"viewed as problem places and home to problem people† (Dean; Hastings, 2000: vii).